Cancel order and refund - Allow users to create their own cancel reasons
Tiffany Fredrickson
Yes Please
Makenzie Hurd
See details here:
Makenzie Hurd
in progress
Makenzie Hurd
under review
Louis DiMeglio
This isn't that hard. At the very least add "Other" as a choice. The most common reasons such as "Customer ordered wrong items" or "Test order" aren't available. It's absurd it has gone this long.
Ryan Blair
It's 2024, this is 4 years old.... can we please get a custom field. As funny as it is to cancel orders for decency policy, our customers don't appreciate it, and none of the options work for us. How about per customer request if we can't get a custom response?
Makenzie Hurd
Merged in a post:
More choices or a fill-able field for Canceled orders
Karen Foley
Need either more options or a type-in field for reason for cancelation (or don't make it required). None of the available fields work for us most of the time.
Al Russell
This would be very helpful. The available choices rarely fit why we cancel an order.
kait toohey
Yes. When I cancel a customer's order I have to contact them personally because "product went out of stock since you've ordered it" isn't an option in the dropdown. I don't need my customers getting even more confused than they need to be lol.
Makenzie Hurd
Merged in a post:
Customize emails when Products are Cancelled
Elizabeth Boyes
When we have to cancel an item, and refund the customer, the email that they get should detail the item that was cancelled.
As well, just as when we cancel an entire order, we should have the choice as to email template that is sent in this case. It could be the item is out of stock, or the design did not meet minimums.
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