Product Listing Reports
Emily Stout
Need to be able to run a report for all products assigned/listed on a Web Store. This is because there is no way to download the Garment + ALL Color Options from API. Additionally, there is no way to tell when a Product was removed from a store (which can happen with Legacy bugs!), so it would be important to run a report showing what products were listed on the store at X date to compare to the report for Y date. As it is, we have recently had products unassigned to stores with no logging as to what products they were (so no way to fix).
Makenzie Hurd
Released July 15, 2024 - 'Product List CSV' - Located in your Store Admin > Products Area.
Makenzie Hurd
Merged in a post:
New Report of Store Products
Chad Bell
Would be great to have a canned report that simply lists the products available in a given store (not necessary what products have been ordered or not). Just an extra of all products available in the store.
Makenzie Hurd
in progress
Have they done this yet? This seems like a very obvious thing to do.
Elaina Pickles
When inventory availability fluctuates, it would be great to run a quick report to see which webstores have those products uploaded rather than going through them one-by-one.
Max Soucia
Yes, this is needed. I'm surprised it was not included in the recent round of report improvements. Report needs to include SKUs.
Ty Hadley
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Storefront report/ flyer
April Aebig
we would like to be able to run a report of the items/details of each storefront. Maybe even offer a flyer that is automatically created with storefront logo, items, color options and pricing, along with the store link.
Ty Hadley
Merged in a post:
Downloadable products lists
Suzanne Curtis
I would like to be able to download a spreadsheet of all of my uploaded products so that I can easily see what prices/ print locations etc. need to be adjusted. An easier way to keep tabs on what I am offering.
Ty Hadley
Merged in a post:
Store Flyer/Order Form
Angela Franzen
It would be great once we have a store created if we could click and have a order form or flyer generated of all the items on the store. We still have several people/sports teams that want to had out flyers for the family that don't like ordering on line.
Caroline Wisner
we need this badly!
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