Coupons & Discounts - Maximum Item Count
Lynn Meredith
When you are creating a coupon and discount code, you can set the minimum item count, but you CANNOT set the maximum item count. Please add the option to set a maximum item count. We have many clients that offer 1 FREE piece to their team members of their choosing. Right now we currently have to monitor each and every code that is used to ensure they do not go over the 1 piece free.
The Lettering Machine
Revisiting this...PLEASE make this happen :)
Sarah Conrey
Yes, this would be great!
Ivor Kalberg
Yep, we encounter this several times a year. It would just be nice to have a code that was good for a specific item/s regardless of price/color/size with a max item limit of some type. Seems like it would be simple enough.
Jen McHargue
Can this issue please be addressed? I ran it today and spent a lot of time dealing with it. Plus my client is not happy to have to recommunicate how to use the discount code with their employees because of this issue.
Hannah Mazel Millard
I am still encountering the issue of not being able to stop a customer from ordering more than one item with a 100% off on specific items. We need a maximum item count and maximum $$ amount for the coupon to cover. This would be so much more helpful as we can't stop a customer from using them incorrectly. It only causes issues for us as it upsets a customer when we kick their order back for not using the coupon correctly which only makes us look stupid as we can't reconfigure the coupon to work as it should. It's all such a time waster. I know Inksoft has a lot of feedback to manage but, I am requesting that we make this a priority to be added to the system. It seems a decent amount of users would benefit from this addition.
Janice Achterberg
I really needed this function on a store I just created.
Lynn Meredith
Ty Hadley -- Is there any update on this? As we discuss pop-up stores, etc. this feature is NEEDED!!!
Ty Hadley
Lynn Meredith: this feature isn't on our current roadmap, but I understand the importance of it, and I'm advocating for you!
Tammi Schleining
Maximum item count would be a great addition!
We had an instance in one of our stores that has a coupon code for new employees to purchase one specific shirt and the company pays for that shirt plus shipping. The store has a coupon code for the discount and is applied to the one specific shirt (1 specific sku number) and had 1 in maximum usage per customer. This specific customer purchased two of this item in different colors as this same shirt is available to other employees besides new hires. When the customer checked out, it applied the coupon twice (once per shirt) and deducted $28 instead of just deducting the single coupon amount of $14. If the Maximum item count is added then we should be able to set the amount to the number of items we are allowing. So instead of the coupon being doubled then it should only be allowed on time use on one item regardless of the amount of the same item purchased.
Ty Hadley
I want to clarify that this can be accomplished right now with a maximum usage per customer, however, that does require that the enduser is signed into a user account for us to track that usage.
Lynn Meredith
Ty Hadley: This is for the coupon code itself to not be used more than once. BUT if a client wants to purchase 3 items in one order...the coupon discount is only meant for ONE FREE item. Not 3. Does that make sense?
Andy Holst
NO brainer. Please implement on next release IS>
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