Completed items within a job
Larry Kritzman
Right now, no matter how many items a job has you can only mark the whole job as completed all at once. It would be helpful if we could mark production cards as completed within a job so that it's easier to keep track of what's already done on bigger or more complicated jobs.
If a job has 20 production cards and I do 8 of them and then go to lunch, there's no way for the system to easily tell me where I left off. I'd like to be able to mark each production card as completed as I go, even if it's only within the job.
Michael Wolf
Merged in a post:
Mark Individual items done
Angela Franzen
To have the ability to make individual items/products done inside a job. Example under a job we have winter hats and baseball caps that get the same artwork once the one style or if we have 10 out of 12 done it would be nice to mark those done with in that job just like you can with personalization. that way the backorder or replacement items are still out there.
Cassie Evans
3 years and still an issue! Which holds up completion of fulfilling jobs! Makes our jobs very difficult if we do not get everything done on the order and the next day we have to recall what is done on the order and what isn't!
Matt Geiger
Yes this would be extremely helpful
Kelly Leaman
Would also be nice to mark on a pickup/ship notification WHICH items are done and which ones are on backorder so they know which ones to expect to be arriving later.
Matt Geiger
Kelly Leaman: Yes!!!! I second this!!
Matt Whitney Surfside Prints, INC
It would be great if we could print out a packing slip showing what shipped and what is on backorder.
Kelly Leaman
It would also be nice to only mark certain items in a job as "shipped" in the event of backorders, etc.