Company Name throughout the platform
KDK Store
When you enter a proposal the contact name is displayed throughout the process not the company name. 95% of my customers are a company. My production team doesn't know who John Smith is and that his co is XYZ, llc. I know that as the owner or sales person. The company name should be displayed across the board and matches up to the logo art etc. John Smith is not going to be clear to my production team that we're printing for XYZ, llc company.
Courtney Mayers
Courtney Mayers
in progress
The project name would make even more sense.
Courtney Mayers
Eric Reeves
Why is Company name NOT searchable in Orders? This needs to be resolved immediately. It is fundamental to doing B2B business. I just purchased inksoft and this is a deal breaker for me. about to return it.
Ty Hadley
Merged in a post:
Business Name & Contact Name
Dennis Morgan
Can we please add the business name along with the contact name on the list of orders. My company deals with a lot of different companies and not everyone knows the company by the contact person, so this makes it very difficult to find orders on the list by that company.
Ty Hadley
Merged in a post:
Show companies and contacts
Julia Truby
The company associated with the contact should be shown in all instances such as when viewing the open orders, closed orders and user accounts.
heather k
Yes--this is a problem for my production team who doesn't keep track of individual customer names