Ability to Change "Proposal" to "Quote" and Sending PDF Quotes
Dante Perez
Most of our clients are school organizations that use PO (Purchase Orders) to approve Proposals. School Districts are very anal about the PDF not having the word "Quote" when initiating a PO for the school.
Also, please have an option to send/download a proposal in a PDF format similar to the invoice in Proposals. NOTE with the interchangeable word (Proposal/Quote).
This will help us InkSoft users who work with school organizations to receive payment/approvals faster.
Ty Hadley
Added in version 4.60.0
Dante Perez
Ty Hadley: Thank you InkSoft developers!
Jennie McGovern Livezey
Ty Hadley: Yaaa thank you!
Courtney Mayers
in progress
Ty Hadley
The update we are working on is to introduce a Quote view, in addition to Invoice and Approval views for Proposals. We are not currently working on a custom label feature that has also been requested through this post.
George ~id~
Yes, please, quotes will help so much
Kristine Hamaty
Yes, I work with some government entities and need to send responses to "requests for information"
Michael Wolf
Merged in a post:
Ability to change the word "Proposal"
Jose Solorzano
My customers are offput by the word "proposal" so it would be very helpful to customize this wording.
Michael Wolf
KDK Store
Estimate is a better choice for sure!
Dallas Smith
Amen! I said this during the beta. We’re not giving them a ring and it’s not the language of business. Clunky and awkward.
Amy Kritzman
Yes!! Or at least the moment it is approved it is now an invoice!!!
Jose Solorzano
Amy Kritzman: Much needed!